All courses offered under LCIC is placed here

117-403 English for Professional Purposes 

For Dentistry

Room: 19-404

The course is identical to 117-142 English III.

117-402 Advanced English  3(2-2-5)

Pre: 117-141 English I

Practice additional English skills including listening, speaking, reading and writing. Explore native speakers’ culture and expressions as well as problems and differences of English application influencing speaking skill by using both verbal and non-verbal languages. Practice basic readings consisting of reading for details and comprehension. Study relationship between main and supporting sentences. Practice reading passages and answering questions with grammatically correct sentences, words, and expressions.

117-191 Thai Usage for Communication 

Pre: None

117-403 English for Professional Purposes

The course is identical to 117-242 English IV from previous semester.

The course is identical to 117-142 English III.

117-402 Advanced English  3(2-2-5)

Pre: 117-141 English I

Practice additional English skills including listening, speaking, reading and writing. Explore native speakers’ culture and expressions as well as problems and differences of English application influencing speaking skill by using both verbal and non-verbal languages. Practice basic readings consisting of reading for details and comprehension. Study relationship between main and supporting sentences. Practice reading passages and answering questions with grammatically correct sentences, words, and expressions.

The course is identical to 117-241 English II from the previous semester.